GMHC Satire

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Loose Lips Lovers ................................................. A CLASSIC SATIRE

Marginalized Community Voices

The entire leadership lost to the AIDS epidemic, no recources, everybody turns a blind EYE.
An artistic trend setting “ALL  ODDS” against us community is on the edge.

22 years ago “Outsiders” came into our community to take care of our AIDS needs.
Now they created their own artistic sub-culture, “Pimping” the community.

Where do we Go?
The government provides no oversight.

Where do we Go?
This not for profit organization paid everybody off, so they can manipulate the
community’s economic, artistic and social progression for financial gain.

Where do we Go?
Our own leadership is corrupted and is selling us out. They package our community to receive government grant money and they are not transparent. They cut into our economy to create a dependency on the backs of the community.

Where do we Go?
When looking into the future and what impact it will have on this entire community, we see devastating consequences. It leads us into bankruptcy and artistic death, soooo

Where do we Go?
Loose Lips Lovers


Monday, August 5, 2013

GMHC Board of Directors & Staff..... ................................. Episode 1

Latex Ball 2013 Controversy ..................................................Episode 2

Party with AIDS Money .......................................................Episode 3

From Head Ache to Mycrene ...............................................Episode 4

AIDS Prevention "IN" Question .............................................Episode 5

Uncalled for Behavior ...........................................................Episode 6

Upset Parent and Angry Grandma ....................................... Episode 7

For the Information Fact Sheet about this work, please visit our blog at

GMHC Damage Control ...................................................... Episode 8

GMHC Cuts Food Money for Latex Ball Prize Money .......... Episode 9

The "GMHC cuts Food Money for Latex Ball Prize Money" episode 9 was inspired by the GMHC, COO Janet Weinberg interview with the media announcing that GMHC had to cut back on food services for their clients and cut staff, because of lack of funds, on the contrary, a day after the media released the information of the food cut for GMHC clients, GMHC announces that they have raised more prize money for the Latex Ball. The community is outraged. GMHC is sharing with the community that it is more important to pay $100.000 for the Latex Ball program than put food on the table for their clients. REALLY?

Latex Ball 2013 AfterMess ..................................................Episode 10

Episode 11

Our message is clear! 
The orgs are working for us and we don't work for them.

CEO Marjorie Hill at GMHC got fired 
and Christine Quinn's political career is over. 
Those are the first signs that the community caught on to the corruption 
of our leadership and that change in the LGBT leadership is now possible.

The days of selling out the community for personal gain 
and a paycheck are over 
and the day of replacing the entire LGBT leadership is NOW.

For more information please go to